Saturday, May 9, 2009

my new fave/obsession: millionaire matchmaker!

i can't believe i have never seen this show before yesterday. it was a little shocking at first, because patty, the matchmaker, is really blunt, like in a edgy new york way. but then, after i got past her bluntness, i started being really impressed with her insightfulness about relationships, and what men and women what from relationships - and most of the time, more clearly than the people themselves. it's also really fun to watch the guys and gals go on dates, or meet people, and try to guess how they're going to choose.

what have i learned about myself? it's interesting.... i've learned that i'm a pretty good catch, actually.... it's weird saying that, especially on a blog. but i guess i was never really convinced of that.

i wish patty was my friend or something so she can give me personalized advice.... although karen is very good at giving advice, and screening guys for me! although i don't think i could date any of the guys on the show..... ::shudder::

god's got someone for me... i gotta believe!


  1. dude, i got hooked on this at the gym. She is sOOO entertainingly blunt. One time I saw her say, how impotent are we talking? When you stand up, it's still on the couch? She is hilarious.
