Monday, September 14, 2009

What are you doing these days?

That's what everyone keeps asking me.

Well, I'm doing lots of stuff these days (I say defensively). In August, I was out of town for 3 weeks - 2 in Guatemala with the youth for a missions trip, and 1 in LA with Jamie and my family for the Hillsong conference.

Since I've come back, I took about a week to recover from traveling - Joe, I know how you feel about just wanting to sleep in your own bed, and getting back into the swing of things at church.

I'm on the roster to substitute teach for the Chicago Public Schools, but it's only been one week, and no teacher in their right mind is going to take time off of school their first week.

So, what am I doing instead of substituting?

There's a website in the works. I'm a little embarrassed about it right now because it's my first website and I'm trying lots of stuff out. Lots of trial and lots of error.

But when it's ready to go public, you'll be the first to know. =)

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