Sunday, September 27, 2009

back to..... school?

no, sadly, not back to a masters program or something... i've finally resigned myself to the fact that my website will not make me millions (at least in the first few months) and i need to work.

so i'm declaring myself available to the chicago public schools to substitute and make some money so i don't have to move back in with my parents. that is actually a huge motivator because i can not move back in with my parents.

well, so i'll be sharing lots of funny stories with you guys here on this blog because substituting is.... can we say, going to keep things interesting.


1 comment:

  1. my addendum: haven't subbed yet this week.... but God has given me a new vision for my website, to "connect people with the heart of God through worship" which takes it away from being all about the music, and more towards loving God.
