Monday, May 18, 2009


this is one of those lessons i never learn...

i don't find enough time to rest because i'm so busy striving for what i think will make me happy. i'm learning that my number one sin is perfectionism. i ask so much of myself and don't allow for room to trust in God. not that i meet my impossible standards, anyway. but i always think i can if i just try hard enough.

"the Lord is my Shepherd, i shall not want..."

funny, i ask more of myself than God asks of me.

trusting in God is what i'm learning, through giving myself more grace and less expectations. through spending more time with God and less time making everything perfect. spending more time on things that really matter - my spiritual health, relationships, taking time to enjoy my life.

hmm... is watching the 2 hour season finale of 24 considered rest?

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